chakra balancing
A chakra (pronounced chakra like chocolate) is an invisible energy center in the human body that can be felt, balanced, and aligned, to support health, clarity, alignment, and attunement in all of us. In most traditions there are seven central chakras, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, though some teachings indicate 12 chakras, which ascend past the crown. Each chakra is associated with a different color, location, glad, mantra, and characteristics that signify it’s functioning.
When our chakras are balanced, we are able to thrive at our highest level. When imbalanced, we can feel off, and experience disconnection, aches and pains, confusion, and more. Today, I decided to delve into the chakras through an activity that has recently become my morning routine. By checking in with each chakra, from root to crown, we gain self understanding and can better carry out our goals. So, if you’re interested in finding your center, keep on reading.
The root chakra. The root chakra, located at the base of your spine, is associated with your sense of physical survival, instinct, safety, and security. The affirmation is “I am confident” and the mantra is LAM. When your root chakra is out of balance one feels insecure, protective, unsafe, depleted, and dependent upon external circumstances.
To balance the root chakra we must identify root causes of feeling unsafe and protective, and get grounded into our sense of security by rooting into the body, and restoring confidence.
Activity. Pranayamas and Wim Hoff breathing. Breathework is an incredible way to restore the root chakra to balance. While practicing your chosen breathwork, focus on the space surrounding the base of your spine. Visualize the color red around your root chakra, and sense your body grounding into the earth. With each breathe become more rooted. Here is a link to Wim Hoff and Nadi Shodhana (a grounding pranayama).
Additional healing. Through yoga, aromatherapy, mantra repetition, and crystal healing we can get more in touch with our chakras. Crystals that can aid in healing the root chakra include hematite, red jasper, and obsidian. You can also practice warrior 1, childs pose, and garland pose. Essential oils used in opening the root chakra include tea tree oil, cedarwood, and cinnamon.
The sacral chakra. Located below the naval and at the reproductive organs and is associated with creativity, intimacy, and pleasure. The affirmation is “I feel” and the mantra is VAM. When your sacral chakra is out of balance one may feel disconnected, lonely, emotional, or prone to addictions.
To balance the sacral chakra we can tap back into our creative center through remembering our purpose and are ability to create into reality anything we desire.
Activity. Visualization and meditation are my favorite ways to check in with my creative center every morning. For this I use the blessing of the energy centers meditation by Joe Dispenza, which you can find here. If you haven’t read Becoming Supernatural, I highly recommend reading it as well. You can purchase this life changing book here.
Additional healing. Crystals that can aid in awakening the sacral chakra include calcite and carnelian. You can also practice goddess pose and bound angle pose. Essential oils used in opening the sacral chakra include orange and tangerine.
The solar plexus chakra. Located at the navel and is associated with action, willpower, confidence, and ambition. The affirmation is “I can” and the mantra is RAM. When your solar plexus chakra is out of balance one is prone to victim mentality and may feel powerless, embarrassed, or lacking self esteem.
To balance the crown chakra we must return to our faith by restoring our sense of power through harnessing our willpower, trusting gut feelings, and focusing on empowered action.
Activity. Exercise. One of the best ways to harness the fire of your solar plexus chakra is through physical exercise. By sticking with your goals and plans for exercise you affirm your will, and through core work, and moving your body, you not only release endorphins and improve your mood, but you boost your sense of self efficacy. Whatever exercise you choose, push yourself, and focus on the empowering feeling this gives you to take the time to honor your body.
Additional healing. Crystals that can aid in healing the solar plexus chakra include citrine, yellow aventurine, and tiger’s eye. You can also practice heat building yoga poses, like chair and boat, as well as downward dog and childs pose. Essential oils used in opening the solar plexus chakra include basil, lemongrass, and lemon.
The heart chakra. Located at the heart center, the fourth chakra is associated with love, compassion, and belonging. The affirmation is “I am loving” and the mantra is YAM. When your heart chakra is out of balance one may sabotage relationships, and feels rejected, helpless, and disconnected.
To balance the heart chakra we must return to our faith by restoring our sense of spirituality, connectedness, joy, and deep gratitude for this love and the people in it.
Activity. Chanting. There are many methods to open up the heart, but in my experience, chanting “Nam myoho renge kyo” is the one daily practice that allows for me to surrender and dedicate my presence and spirit to the light and the divine highest good of all. Chanting “nam myoho renge kyo” at least 10 minutes a day is my self prescribed heart opener, however, if you are not drawn to chanting, taking ten minutes to focus on what you are grateful for, and fully feeling into the heartspace, as well as keeping a gratitude lists, are other great ways to open the heart chakra.
Additional healing. Through yoga, aromatherapy, mantra repetition, and crystal healing we can get more in touch with our chakras. Crystals that can aid the heart chakra include amazonita and green aventurine. Camel and cobra pose can help open the heart, as well as the essential oils of rosemary and rose.
The throat chakra. Located at the center of your throat and is associated with communication, truth, and expression. The affirmation is “I speak” and the mantra is HAM. When your throat chakra is out of balance one may have difficulty speaking up about opinions and settle with following others opinions or paralysis.
To balance the throat chakra we must begin speaking our truth.
Activity. Speak or freestyle. If you’re not a music artist you may have never “freestyled” in your life, but this can be one of the most fun ways to open up the throat chakra. Sometimes, we don’t have anyone we can speak completely freely with, based on what we’ve been through or what we are willing to open up about. If that is the case, speaking out loud to yourself to open the throat chakra can feel weird. There are two other options I turn too. One is freestyling, in which I put on instrumental music and allow myself to sing and speak (or rap) freely over the music. It is fun to record yourself and you not only open up the throat, but you learn a ton about yourself and the way you really think about things.
Additional healing. Crystals that can aid in healing and empowering the throat chakra include blue crystals, especially, lapis lazuli and sodalite. You can also practice fish or bridge pose and use essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and spearmint.
The third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is located at the center of your forehead and is associated with your sense of purpose and direction, as well as your intuition. The affirmation is “I think” and the mantra is OM. When your third eye chakra is out of balance one may lack clarity and feel lost, indecisive, unconfident, or uncommitted.
To balance the third eye chakra we can return to clarity through slowing down, getting adequate sleep, analyzing our dreams, and observing and allowing the course of our mental processes.
Activity. Morning pages. Morning pages is an activity I found in the Artist’s Workbook years ago. It is the process of writing a few pages every morning, stream of consciousness. You don’t have to do this in the morning, but if you feel like your third eye chakra is particularly blocked, doing this for a week or a month in the AM can declutter the mind. Some keep this habit for life.
Additional healing. Crystals that can aid in healing and clarify the third eye chakra include black tourmaline and amethyst. You can also practice eagle warrior 2, child’s pose, or a seated forward bend. Essential oils used in opening the third eye chakra include lavender and bergamont.
The crown chakra. Located at the crown of your head and is associated with your connection to the divine within and all around you. The affirmation is “I am” and the mantra is AUM. When your crown chakra is out of balance one feels disconnected from the divine, lonely or insignificant, and stuck or unfulfilled.
To balance the crown chakra we must return to our faith by restoring our sense of spirituality, imagination, wisdom, and consciousness.
Activity. Goal set, manifest, and intend. When you were in a place of faith and certainty, what did you believe you were capable of. To restore the crown chakra to balance, meditate and visualize the version of you that has achieved the serenity of knowing that your life makes an impact. God is everywhere and in everything, therefore God is in you, and God is you. Keep your eyes closed until you fully enter your visualization. Your life has purpose and impact. Once you have felt the fullness of your manifestation, release the visualization and sit in the empty quietness of serenity.
Additional healing. Through yoga, aromatherapy, mantra repetition, and crystal healing we can get more in touch with our chakras. Crystals that can aid in awakening the crown chakra include clear quartz, moonstone, and amethyst. You can also practice eagle pose, warrior 1, headstand, and saddle pose. Essential oils used in opening the crown chakra include frankincense, ylang ylang, and jasmine.